Hong Kong: the cable car to Buddha

/ 2013-01-03 /
On our fourth day in Hong Kong, we took a cable car to Po Lin Monastery, better known as the place with the Big Buddha. The cable car ride took a while, maybe 20-30 minutes, and we went high up, over a mountain. The view was impressive when we could see. But it was already a cloudy and foggy day, so at a certain point, you couldn't see anything beyond your cable car except for white fog. It was pretty surreal. You felt totally suspended in space and time.

When we got to the Monastery, we couldn't even see the Big Buddha statue clearly, even after we walked up a lot of steps to get closer. It made the Buddha seem more mysterious. There was a temple there too, but we couldn't take pictures because monks were having a ceremony inside.

I wanted to post these pictures next because I thought that they turned out pretty cool. For some of them, I played with the art filters on my camera.

So just look at the pictures as a journey through the fog to the Buddha, and back again.

To see the pictures bigger, you can look at the photobucket album.

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